he global rise of farmers’ markets is a remarkable development. Organic ‘outdoor super markets’ are popping up everywhere.
A place where local farmers sell fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs and sheep wool to local residents. Farm-fresh produce, straight from the source. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has revealed that the amount of farmers’ markets in the United States has increased by another ten percent in 2012. The USDA has been keeping track of farmers’ markets since 1994 and has noticed a continuous rise in numbers, from 1755 in 1994 to almost eight thousand markets in 2012.
One might say this is a natural result of the rising popularity of healthy and fair food products. However, the growing success can be attributed to more current developments. Oh yes, it is the financial crisis again! Farmers’ markets provide an excellent opportunity to stimulate the local economy and help out small entrepreneurs. They’re usually cheaper as well, because they do not require middle men, salesmen, retail or transport.
Discover different Food Markets around the globe in the Food Inspiration magazine.