55: Food trends and Communities

55: Food trends and Communities

Monday 30 November 20208

A magazine about the impact of COVID-19 on the trends in the different communities that each person is a part of. From the person self to the planet at large.

In this edition of Food Inspiration magazine we’re looking at food trends and communities. We’re talking about the impact of COVID-19 on the trends in the different communities that each person is a part of. From the personal self, family, and friends, to the wider community at school or in the workplace, to the food culture or cultures you identify with, and to the planet at large. In this magazine:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on family relations
  • What happens when you don't eat meals together?
  • Coming together around food
  • The changing face of foodservice
  • Disruption in the world's food supply chain
  • COVID-19 and planet Earth

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New magazine: Food trends and Communities

New magazine: Food trends and Communities

The impact of COVID-19 on food trends in various communities